Saturday, September 6, 2014

Wendell B. Leimbach, Jr., USMC

Next Friday, I will attend the pinning ceremony for a new Marine Colonel (Wendell (“Wel”) B. Leimbach, Jr.) at Quantico.  It would be nice if you (and others) could jot a note of appreciation for Wel’s efforts on behalf of our country.  (As I fly on Thursday, I want to print the comments on Wednesday evening.)

I don’t have to tell you about the carnage wreaked on our troops by IEDs in Iraq and Afghanistan.  For his work improving body and vehicular armor to protect against IEDs, Wel was honored with Andrew J. Higgins Award for procurement in 2006.  His work saved countless lives.  Obviously, that effort is not his sole contribution, but it is the one of which I am most aware.

Please do NOT tell Wel’s parents (Wendell, Sr. and Sally Leimbach) about this effort. If you want to compliment them regarding their son, please create a follow-up to do so after September 13, as I intend present the "thank yous" to Wel during his “wetting down” celebration on the 13th.

Here are some links I found regarding the armor situation.  The last one is a presentation of Wel’s that I found on-line.



  1. Posted by Claude Thau at Si Baitler's request

    Colonel, as an ordinary citizen who sees your success rewarded, I want to add my thanks to you on behalf of all those whose lives were and will be saved due to your efforts and all of us whose way of life is protected by the efforts of those in our military.

    I salute you, sir.
    Best Regards
    Si Baitler

  2. Thank you very much for your efforts, and congratulations on your promotion.

    As I used to say as a kid "Tanks a gallon". Tanks lots and lots of gallons.

    Richard Seltzer, Boston, MA

  3. On behalf of Tracy Foster, FSG: Thank you for your service to our country and doing your work with such excellence to protect and save so many lives.

  4. On behalf of Mark Goldberg: Colonel Leimbach, thank you for your service to our country and in particular your invaluable contribution to finding ways to better protect your fellow servicemen. The constant improvement of the weaponry we use on the battlefield and the funding it requires is an important issue. Your work is one of those unheralded necessities that keep us all safer. Congratulations on your promotion, from everything I read it's well earned and deserved.
    God bless the US Marines

  5. On behalf of Steve Cain (LTCI Partners) Colonel Leimbach, thank you for your service to our country. I just got done watching the Sunday morning political shows & I am reminded how dangerous the world is right now! I am thankful for men & women like you protecting our freedom and safety. God bless you and the USA.

  6. We promote leaders partly based on superb past performance, but also on our confidence that the will achieve even better results in the future, thus justifying the promotion. Thank you for your contributions to our soldiers, their families, and our country.

    James Jacobson, Colonel, USAF Retired.

  7. Dear Colonel Leimbach, I am very grateful to you for the unsung work you have undertaken that has resulted in saving the lives of men and women who fight to protect our freedoms and the freedoms of whose those who can't fight. I am so pleased to learn of your deserved recognition. Congratulations and again, thank you.

    Sincere regards,
    Lorraine Navarro

  8. Your efforts saved lives. In the end, that may be the real goal of any military and its greatest achievement. Well done, Colonel.

    LCDR Morey, USN

  9. On behalf of Mary Lou Hudman, Dallas, TX: Thank you, Marine Colonel Wendell (“Wel”) B. Leimbach, Jr., for your military service and for your work in improving body and vehicular armor to protect against IEDs - and for the hundreds of lives that you helped save!

  10. Colonel Leimbach,Sir. From Frank Sindelar,a not as lean,just as mean,United Staes Marine. Thank you for your innovative efforts to keep our fellow Marines safer when they are walk in harms way. May God continue to use, challenge and bless you.

  11. As the father-in-law of a Marine lieutenant, I express my gratitude for what you have done to improve the safety of your fellow marines. Your service to them is of great value to all of us. Jim Berger, Overland Park, KS

  12. Both of my sons joined the Armed Forces, following in their Grandfather's steps. My oldest son was Navy, and is now safely home raising his family. My youngest son is Army Reserve, with rumors of a deployment in October. A lot of their friends are either past or present military. Because I see how young they are, and how bullet-proof they think they are (prior to going overseas), I can't thank you enough for helping to protect them. Thank you from the bottom of a worried mom's heart.

  13. (Cary) I applaud the good work you have done to help save lives and protect our soldiers who are in harm's way.

  14. On behalf of Stuart N. Speer, CFP:

    Col. Wel B. Leimbach, Jr, USMC:

    I make it a habit to say "thank you," but for your outstanding and valiant efforts, I pause to consider the honor of the expression. Thank you for keeping our country safe from all alarms.

  15. On behalf of Jesse Slome / Mindy Hartman: Most often in life, meaningful contributions go unnoticed and unrecognized. Those who make strides both large and small typically don't do so for the recognition but more because there is a drive and passion that is part of their make-up. Clearly, you have inherited those qualities and certainly have applied them for greater purpose benefiting others. You are to be congratulated and deserving of great respect for a job well done in the service of your fellow men and women. Wishing you all continued success in the days and years ahead.

  16. On behalf of Judi Ricci, Baltimore, MD: Colonel Leimbach, thank you very much for your military service to our country. With gratitude, Judi.

  17. Colonel, Congratulations and thank you for your service. All service to fellow man is worthwhile but, when it is lifesaving and freedom-protecting, it is esteemed above all. I'm sure you think you're just "doing your job" so keep it up and God Bless.

    Greg Finke
    Independence, MO

  18. Thank you for all your contributions which have saved, and will continue to save, the lives of many of our 'ground pounders'. I only wish we had such body armor when I was fighting in Korea in 1950-51 (3rd Battalion, 5th Marines, Chosin Reservoir). Warm congratulations on your promotion; well done!
    Semper Fi - Don Shellgren

  19. On behalf of Bill Lee of Baton Rouge: I’d like to thank the soon to be Colonel “Wel” for his work improving body and vehicular armor to protect against IEDs that have done so much to save life and limb of his fellow warriors. Having served during the Vietnam era, I knew many who gave much, if not all, who could have used the benefits of his great work. From Baton Rouge, I say “Thank you for serving, Sir.” My best, Bill

  20. On behalf of Ed Stone: Colonel, please accept my thanks and gratitude for your service. Service above self is the most admirable quality a human being can possess. Add to it the sacrifice of being away from family and exposing one's self to danger in the pursuit of such service and you have a multiple that is beyond calculation. Thank you sir!

  21. On behalf of Ed Prince: "Life must be lived on a higher platform, to which we are always invited to ascend; there, the whole aspect of things changes." – Ralph Waldo Emerson
    Edward H. Prince,, (m) 913-485-7256

  22. On behalf of Dick White: Thank you Marine Colonel Wendell B. Leimbach for all you have done for our country and for our men and women in uniform. You are a true American hero!!

  23. Words are not enough. Thank you for your service, and for your success in helping to protect the lives of our troops, as well as the hearts of so many family members.

    Pam Corrick
    Fairfield, Iowa

  24. On behalf of Gary and Carol Richmond, Gary Richmond Ministries

    Dear Major Leimbach Jr.

    I just finished reading several articles which outlined the research and development on body armor for our soldiers deployed in dangerous and faraway places. I am a pastor and one of the most heartbreaking moments of my life was performing the funeral for Private Joel K. Brittain who was killed in his battle vehicle on a lonely road in Iraq. He was only 22, with a bright future ahead of him. I have a feeling that the work you have done and are doing could have saved Joel's life. His parents and closest friends are devastated to this day. So it brings me incredible comfort to know that there is a man like you, working to save men and women like Joel. I have always felt that people who choose professions that help other people, are people of incredible substance. Saving lives and preserving quality of life, couldn't be a more laudable way to spend your life.

    My wife's father was killed in WWII and my own grandfather was killed in WWI, so we are both raised in families who understand the cost of freedom. With all of our hearts we want to extend our deeply felt gratitude for the work that you have chosen. Who knows how many lives will be saved and heartbreaks will be spared because you cared enough to bury yourself in this most important task. Thank you Major Leimbach for what you do. May God richly bless you.

  25. On behalf of Myra J. Christopher

    Dear Colonel Leimbach,

    At the request of my friend Claude Thau, I am writing you to congratulate you on your new rank and to thank you for your contributions to protecting our soldiers. Claude and I are long-time friends, and I have great respect for him although we frequently disagree. He will quickly tell you that I am what many refer to as a “bleeding heart liberal” (Claude's note: I would not use that term as it might not convey the careful thought Myra gives to all sides of an issue); so, I was a bit surprised when he offered me the opportunity to extend my congratulations and thanks to you. I have invited him not to include this message among those he is collecting on your behalf; however, I am honored to have been invited to comment.

    As a bleeding heart liberal, I have been deeply disturbed by the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq for philosophical and political reasons. I am not, however, a pacifist. As a person who has spent my life working in ethics, I do believe that there are just wars. More importantly, I believe strongly that, whether we as individuals support a war or not, our children who we send into war deserve every protection we can offer and our full support. (Claude's note: As Myra indicated that we sometimes disagree, I probably should note that I supported the first President Bush's Iraq war but was outspoken in my opposition to the second President Bush's Iraq and Afghanistan efforts. Regardless of their position on the wars, nearly all people would applaud Wel's efforts.)

    A few years ago, I was invited by Lee Woodruff, Bob Woodruff's wife, to attend Stand Up for Heroes, a fundraiser for their family foundation dedicated to helping veterans from Afghanistan and Iraq who have been head injured. The audience that night was filled with young men mostly, but a few women as well, who had been head injured and maimed by IEDs. Many were amputees; some had lost ears and eyes; many had been severely burned; all had suffered traumatic brain injuries. The thing that I will NEVER in my life forget is that as the honor guard brought in the flag and the band played the Star Spangled Banner every one of them did all they possibly could to stand and salute.

    Thank you for devising ways to better protect our soldiers from IEDs. Given what I have been able to read about you and your work because of it, I believe there must be fewer soldiers who will have to live with the challenges I witnessed that night.

    Again, congratulations and my best wishes for your safety and the safety of all our troops.

    Cordially, Myra

  26. Congratulations. A thank you does not begin to express the gratitude I have for the job you've done and the others you've helped.
    Mark Perry.

  27. Thank you so much, Marine Colonel Wendell B. Leimbach for your dedicated service to protect the the safety of the courageous soldiers who sacrifice so much in service to the US. You have earned this recognition and appreciation. With humble gratitude, Jane Washburn, Woodland Hills, CA.

  28. It's inspiring to know in these trying times that such a person exists as Marine Colonel Wendell b. Leimbeck. Having such soldiers defend our country deserves full recognition and our prayers each day.

  29. On behalf of Maggie Catherall, Eastland Texas, a Proud Texan and American - Prayers and pride in American's solders.

  30. On behalf of Sheldon Harber, CFP:
    Marine Colonel Wendell B. Leimbach,
    Sir, you are a hero and a superior human being. Thank for your efforts to help our troops with your work on improving body and vehicular armor. I would love to attend your pinning ceremony in person. It would be an honor and pleasure.

  31. Posted on behalf of Bill Houk: I, too, am very appreciative of Wel’s work protecting our men. My son spent several tours in the current theatre and previously and I know well how much these armaments meant to our people. A BIG “thank you” both personally and in general.

    Bill Houk CFP*, Investment Adviser Representative, 102 Wesmor, Clinton, MO 64735; Phone (660) 885-3311

  32. Thank you for your service to our country and for your work protecting our soldiers' lives.

    Paul Thibeault, Windsor Ct.

  33. Posted on behalf of Tom Hoshiyama: I was in the army reserves for 6 years and I can appreciate what Colonial Leimbach did for our troops and country. Although, I never served overseas in a battle zone we should always have the best of the best protection for our soldiers that are fighting on the ground. Thank you from a former soldier.

  34. Posted on behalf of Jim Robinson: Congratulations Col.Leimbach on your promotion.It is a pleasure to see a promotion given to someone who has helped his fellow comrades avoid injuries and contribute to our armed forces.Jim Robinson

  35. Congratulations, Colonel Wendell B. Leimbach Jr. on your promotion! I want to express my admiration and gratitude for your dedicated service, especially to the development of body and vehicular armor. Your efforts have greatly improved the protection and safety for the courageous soldiers who serve the USA.
    Thank you...
    Phil and Kathy Sheridan

  36. Congratulations Colonel Leimbach, We want to express our appreciation and admiration for your service to our country. Your efforts in the development of body and vehicular armor must be very rewarding in protecting your colleagues. Thank you again for your service to our country. Suzanne & Andrew Thau

  37. Amb.Dr.Mary M. Khimulu,MBS.
    I am a good friend of Thau Claude and was honored for him to ask me to write a comment. Col.Wendell Leimback congratulations. Few men and women get such a big honour. You deserve it for what you have done for your country. Be blessed always. From a Kenyan lady who was educated in your great country.May your family enjoy the celebrations too.

  38. Posted on behalf of Jonathan Hennessey & family, Sierra Madre, CA

    Congratulations, Colonel, on your promotion and your tireless work for American fighting men and women. It is truly gratifying to see such accomplishments honored and given the credit they are due. My mother, a clothing designer at the Natick Labs DoD facility, also recently was honored for work creating body armor for U.S. servicewomen. Your inspiration and energy do us all proud.

  39. Congratulations on your promotion. I greatly value and appreciate your service and sacrifice to our country. My father was a career military man, so your efforts to increase safety and protection for the men and women serving our nation, really hits home. Thank you for all your dedication. Tina Thau

  40. Congratulations and thank you, Colonel Leimbach, for your dedication and service. We are truly blessed to have people like you protecting our troops and our nation. Thanks to your courage, selflessness, hard work and great ideas, we all live the promising lives we do, and sleep better at night. Sincerely, Jennifer Delamare, Bay Area, California

  41. Posted on behalf of Lark Stoltze: Please thank the new Marine Colonel Leimbach for the extraordinary effort in the improvement for the many types of armor. I know he has made a big difference in the lives of many families as they cope with the many remnants of war on a daily basis.

  42. Colonel Leimbach, Sir:

    Congratulations on your well deserved promotion. Thank you for your significant contributions to our fighting men and women and our country!

    Lt Col John E. Belic, USAF Ret.

  43. thanks for your continued service!

  44. Congratulations on your promotion! Thank you so very much for your efforts to protect the safety of soldiers and for your dedicated military service and the sacrifices you make for all of us!

  45. Congratulations Colonel. Achieving Colonel is a singular achievement that a military man can be very proud of. As a veteran myself, I want to thank you for helping to protect our nation.

    Gregg Lutz
    U.S. Army

  46. Colonel Leimbach, congratulation on your promotion! Also, thank you for your efforts in helping to improve the safety for those serving in the armed forces and your continued service.
    Semper Fidelis,
    CWO3 Cochran, USMC-Ret.

  47. Posted on behalf of Tom Hebrank:

    Thank you for your service to our country and for injuries and deaths prevented by the work that you have been involved with. My father and his brothers were in WWII. His brother was a Marine who died on last day of battle on Okinawa and his death scarred my Dad until his final days last year. If you have prevented other soldiers from death and their families from the tragedy of loss, you have profoundly impacted our country. It is an honor to participate in the celebration of your promotion.

  48. Posted on behalf of Toni Crocker Powell:

    Dear Wel,

    It is an honor and privilege to congratulate you on your promotion.
    Thank you for the work that you have done and the lives that you have saved. As a marine you probably feel that it is just part of your job but that is part of what makes you such a wonderful young man.

    Please know that my prayers are with you wherever you go in all that you do.

  49. Posted on behalf of Bill Shaw:

    Thanks for your valiant efforts to protect our troops. You, and your family, have made sacrifices which have benefited all of us. Congratulations on your well-deserved promotion.

  50. Congratulations and thanks! God bless America!

    Michael Hefferon
    Chairman and CEO, BRAMCO Financial Services

  51. Sir:
    Congratulations on your well deserved promotion. Thank you for your service and commitment to this country and for your loyalty and dedication to the brave men and women who serve.

    M. Van Arsdale, Wounded Warrior Project

  52. Sally

    Tom and Susan Hebrank are friends of ours from church and he let me know that your son will be pinnng on his eagles this week.

    I remember being called by a friend when I was overseas and being informed that I had been selected for colonel. The first person I called was my Mom. I'm sure that your son had you at the top of the list also after he was he notified. Congratulations to all of you on achieving this notable distinction--Colonel of Marines.

    Semper fi

    Mike Boyce
