Friday, July 8, 2016

What is Patriotism?

Robert Reich created this YouTube video What is Patriotism?, in which he defines 5 principles of patriotism.

Here are my alternative 5 principles of patriotism:

1.      Work toward the common good.

2.      Pay fair share of taxes.

3.      Respectfully discuss issues honestly and educate the public.

4.      Avoid overburdening future generations with crushing debt.

5.      Protect individual rights (including but not limited to free speech) and the separation of powers

Reich argues that we should love our government rather than hate it and we should work to improve it.  Unfortunately, Reich supports huge central government which is NOT patriotism.  Patriotism involves protecting individual rights.  It is striking that, other than the freedom to vote, Reich’s 5 principles do not mention defending individual freedom, which is the foundation of our government.  Nor does he cite the importance of separation of powers, which I think is the most important governmental characteristic that has made our country great.  Separation of powers is fragile, threatened and must be defended.  Government has a role in protecting our rights, but we must be diligent to avoid providing government powers that can lead to oppression.

Protecting the right to vote includes protecting the legitimacy of the vote.  Identification is required for many mundane things in our daily lives, yet he opposes protecting the legitimacy of vote which he cherishes.  Unfortunately, Reich and his allies have shown no interest in finding a solution to avoid election fraud, instead simply arguing fatuously that it does not exist. It does not exist?  Reich’s allies funded substantial voter fraud performed by ACORN.  We had an election in Missouri that was decided by one vote; a relative of the “winner” voted in the wrong district, thereby deciding the election.  There may well have been other fraudulent votes as well.

Reich urges that we not “buy off politicians”.  Of course, this is “apple pie”, but it is a narrow issue to address.  More broadly, politicians’ integrity should be a key litmus test in voting.  Instead most voters reward dirty politics, false campaign promises, etc.  If politicians are being bought off, we are voting for the wrong people.

Reich cites being involved politically as a principle of patriotism.  Our involvement should protect and respect free speech and educate voters by clearly defining the issues and potential consequences.  Politicians in both parties provide slanted, emotional and even false information, ignoring valid points their opponents make, preferring to persuade citizens to disrespect their opponent’s positions.  Reich’s allies are particularly guilty of trying to limit speech which is not “politically correct”.  Such repression has been typical of our universities, for example, for generations.

Reich’s 5 principles include not pandering to divisiveness.  I agree strongly, but Reich strongly supports spending money we don’t have to pander to uninformed voters at the expense of future generations.  Driving our country into insolvency is the antithesis of patriotism, in my opinion.

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