Friday, November 11, 2016

Why Did Trump Win?

I’ve been asked to comment on the following 3 issues. 
      1)      Where do we go from here?
2)      Why did Trump win?
3)      What caused the change at the end of the campaign?

I’ve addressed #1 already.  In this post, I’ll address #2.  Please remember these are just one person’s thoughts.

Why Did Trump Win?  (If you want to skip to what I think were the reasons Trump won, go to the top of page 3.)

Like many elections, this election was so close that you could argue that a large number of different issues “made the difference”.   There is a tendency for people who lose an election to grab on to a relatively minor reason that makes them feel justified in thinking that their side was cheated or was defeated by people who lack positive values.

Donald Trump set up such an excuse for himself by arguing that the elections were rigged.

I think Hillary Clinton supporters are making similar mistakes when they attribute her loss to people being anti-immigrant, racist, against women, etc. or to FBI Chief Comey.

It seems undeniable that a high Caucasian turn-out helped Trump succeed.  A couple of things worth noting in that regard:

1)      From a political perspective, most third-party votes were more aligned with Republican views than Democratic views.  Adding Jill Stein’s vote to Clinton’s vote and Gary Johnson’s and Evan McMillin’s votes to Trump’s total, the Republicans secured 51.4% of the vote.

2)      We had 4 million fewer voters in 2016 than in 2012. The vote distribution shifted more rural, even though it is generally agreed that Democrats are better organized to “get out the vote”, that Trump did a poor job of creating a “get out the vote” support network and that it seems easier to do so in urban areas than rural areas.  It seems that Trump voters were personally more determined than Clinton voters.

In those senses, Clinton’s defeat was a bit larger than many people think.

Typically, people would argue that non-voters lean Democrat.  So if we had 100% participation, Clinton may have won.  We could have raging debates, however, as to whether it is good to have elections decided by unengaged voters who have not considered the issues carefully.

Immigration: Liberals have mis-framed the immigration debate.  Few people are anti-immigrant; most are opposed to illegal immigration.  There is a big difference here. 

  • I would agree that illegal immigration played a meaningful role in this election.  Hopefully the liberals will understand that many people fear that amnesty without well-managed borders is a disastrous approach, encouraging more illegal immigration.  If we can convince people that our borders are adequately protected, amnesty will be much easier to support. 
  • Legal immigration was a tremendously smaller issue.  Many people favor easier immigration for people who have skills critical to our economy.  Such people were more likely to vote for Trump.  In this sense, Trump’s voters could be viewed as more pro-(legal)-immigrant than Clinton’s voters.
Racism: Some people cite that Trump did better than Romney among African-Americans.  13% of black men and 6% of black women voted for Trump compared to 6% of all African-Americans voting for Romney.  That’s not much of a tribute to Trump, recognizing that Romney ran against an African-American whereas Trump did not.  The possibility of an African-American president had a dramatic effect.  George Bush got 11% of the African-American vote.  Compared to Bush, Trump did worse.

I have not perceived racism to be a problem for President Obama during his 8 years in office.  Surely there are some people who were opposed to having an African-American president but they were few.  Furthermore, they lacked influence.  While there were loud “birther” people, they were ignored or rejected by almost everyone.  (Note: birthers were not necessarily motivated by racism; some may have been motivated by politics and others by wanting disclosure.)

When people tell me they are not racist, I wonder whether they are being dishonest or are trying to fool themselves.  It is extremely difficult not to be racist to some degree in our society.  But a great many Caucasians want to convince themselves that they are not racist.  Voting for President Obama and speaking well of him provided a great way for them to show that they are “not racist”.  President Obama benefited from that during his campaigns and his two terms as President.  It also extended to the press, who seemed very reluctant to criticize President Obama.

Recent polls indicate that President Obama has a 56% approval rating.  Yet Trump won because he represented change.  The “change” people wanted is from politicians in general, not President Obama solely.  However, if the populace wanted change from Republican politicians but not Democratic politicians, they would have voted for Clinton.  Therefore it appears to me that the voters were repudiating President Obama’s politics to a significant degree while they favor him personally.  That does not demonstrate racism in my opinion.

Supreme Court: I think the Supreme Court was a factor.  Hillary Clinton scared a lot of people by having a long list of litmus tests (see my comments in my “Where do we go from here?” post) that she would use to vet Supreme Court candidates to assure that they would serve as advocates rather than judges when appointed to the Supreme Court.

Rejection of President Obama: I think the biggest reason Trump won was the rejection of President Obama’s policies.  Clinton tied herself to President Obama and Trump tied Clinton to President Obama.  Clinton’s ties to President Obama were the single issue that both campaigns agreed upon.  Each candidate encouraged voters to decide based on this issue and the voters complied.

People wanted change primarily because President Obama divided our country (even though some may not have blamed him for it) and weakened us internationally.  They disliked “Obamacare” to a lesser degree and only some of the Obamacare dislike led to Trump (those who had wanted a government single-payer system were less likely to be Trump voters).  The deception involved in passing Obamacare helped Trump somewhat.

When President Obama got elected, the country was mostly elated.  People were excited to have an African-American president and hoped to see him succeed.  Unfortunately, Mitch McConnell made a stupid comment (“The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president”).

President Obama is a great speaker and motivator.  Had President Obama acknowledged the contributions and sufferings of various groups and asked them all to make sacrifices, I believe he could have had an extremely successful Presidency and a great legacy.    

Unfortunately, Democrats such as Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Henry Waxman, and Barney Franks pressured President Obama to ram legislation through without any consideration of Republican ideas.  (Pelosi has publicly taken credit for this.)  They used McConnell’s statement and outright lies to trick their supporters into thinking that President Obama had reached out to Republicans but been rejected. 

Over the past six years, many friends have argued strenuously to me that President Obama reached out to Republicans.  But when I ask for evidence, they cite that President Obama said he reached out or they cite McConnell’s comment (which of course does not even address whether President Obama reached out).  I’ve been able to cite one example of “reaching out”, but Democratic internal correspondence has shown that effort was insincere, intended to entrap Republicans rather than reach out.  (Please note that I have never taken the position that the Republicans would have responded positively had President Obama reached out to them.  I don’t know and harbor significant doubts.  But I believe that he did not do so.)

Because he spurned working with Republicans and/or because Republicans did not like his proposed health care program, he was dependent on every Democrat vote.  Unfortunately, the “blue-dog” Democrats did not like PPACA because they believed it would drive up the debt.  So President Obama tried strong inducements (some were rolled back because they were determined to be illegal) and other pressure to get those Democrats to vote for his health plan.  The result was that the blue-dog Democrats were voted out of Congress because they abandoned the principles cherished by their constituents.  They were replaced by Tea Party Republicans. 

Before I heard anyone else complain about President Obama inciting class warfare, I registered complaints about that to my wife and perhaps friends.  (Note: I had voted for President Obama in 2008, so this complaint was coming from a supporter at that time).  Instead of recognizing that business people pay a large percentage of our taxes and create a large number of jobs, yet appealing to them for sacrifices, President Obama chose to try to mobilize the country against business people.  Instead of strongly encouraging students to apply themselves to get a good education, he fostered the idea that they were being abused by the system and encouraged them to occupy Wall Street.

I’ve cited this legacy of President Obama for 6 years now, but it has not been obvious to people.  Most people have perceived that his health care program would be his legacy.

 But this election proved that many people are unhappy with President Obama’s presidency.  Our surprising election result seems likely to wipe out his health care program and some of his other legislation, leaving his divisiveness as one of this two greatest legacies.

The other legacy is his preference for a weak United States.  He took the position that we had wielded strength inappropriately and should withdraw from international influence.  While I disagreed with the foreign policy of George W. Bush, the world had a relatively peaceful second half of the 20th-century, much of which was attributable to USA strength and leadership.

President Obama wanted to use more diplomacy than President George W. Bush.  More diplomacy would have been a good idea, if President Obama had been a strong negotiator internationally.  Unfortunately, he abandoned negotiation points unilaterally before negotiations started and made it clear that reaching agreement was more important to him than to the people on the “other side of the table”.  He seemed to have a “Pollyanna” belief that other countries would respond favorably to his sincere weak posture, rather than taking advantage of it.

He backed away repeatedly from our staunchest mid-eastern ally (Israel), confusing the Palestinians into thinking he would support their entry into the UN, then upsetting them when he did not do so.  He went “all in” on the Arab Spring, for example insisting that Egypt’s President Mubarak step down immediately rather than manage a peaceful transition.  He drew a red line in Syria then backed down.  These actions exposed a lack of understanding of his adversaries. 

I think President Obama’s two main legacies will be that he divided our country and weakened us internationally, opening the door to Trump’s success.  In other words, Trump is President Obama’s legacy.

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