Sunday, November 12, 2017

NFL Players Protesting by Kneeling during our National Anthem

I view the NFL player protests as follows:
1.      We want our younger citizens to be concerned about our country and to engage in helping it maintain and fulfill its ideals.
2.      We want such participation to non-violent and non-obstructionist.
3.      To me, kneeling is a respectful way to express one’s concern.  (One of our local players once rode a stationary bike while the anthem was played.  I don’t consider that to be respectful.)
4.      When they express their positions, others have an opportunity to disagree and engage.
5.      If they use their stature to draw children’s attention to an issue, they should accept the responsibility of listening to others who engage them positively.  Here in KC, the police invited protesting players to join them on patrol, which I felt was a very positive response.  (I don’t know if that has occurred yet.)
6.      An employer has a right to terminate an employee who is disruptive to team esprit, etc.  I would not terminate players for protesting by taking a knee.  Teams have a right to do so but I would urge caution.
7.      I think it would be WRONG for the league to ban such players.  That seems to constitute conspiracy to remove their ability to participate in their profession, for expressing their thought. 

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