Saturday, September 8, 2018

The Tragedy of the Resistance to Trump

Having been a strong “never Trump” individual during the presidential campaign, I have nonetheless acknowledged some things that he has done well and have tried to be fair. 

The continuous lies and deceptions of much of the Resistance have further divided the country (not only harming us but also benefiting our adversaries).  Many press and Democratic Party leaders continually forfeit the trust of moderates, undecided voters and conservatives.

I can definitely envision supporting efforts to remove Trump under specific circumstances (President Trump’s Helsinki statement was sadly “helpful” in this regard), but the Resistance has undermined my comfort with such efforts because:
1)     Because of the continuous distortions and hypocrisy of the Resistance, it would be hard for me to trust that such action is stimulated by patriotism rather than politics.
2)     I don’t see how I could convince my conservative friends that such action was not politically motivated.  The belief by many that it would be a move based on politics rather than principles would exacerbate the constitutional crisis.

When President Obama grabbed so much power inappropriately with his executive orders, I sometimes challenged Democrats, telling them they would not like it if a conservative president followed President Obama’s lead.  Unfortunately, they brushed me off, because in their eyes, the ends justified the means and they figured there was little chance of such a conservative being elected.

By the same token, if people who pursue Presidential removal have not earned trust, we risk descending into a political situation in which each administration is challenged in such ways.  I do not believe we can succeed as a country in such fashion.

I urge the Resistance to look in the mirror at their own actions and speech.  Do they not realize that John McCain’s final efforts and the "I am Part of the Resistance" letter expose the failings of the Resistance as well as of Donald Trump?

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