Sunday, March 13, 2022

Calling out the NY Times for calling a "no fly" zone tantamount to a declaration of war

 In its March 11 editorial, “The Price of Putin’s Belligerence”, the NY Times wrote “to enforce a no-fly zone above Ukraine … would be tantamount to a declaration of war”.  Calling a peace-keeping mission a “declaration of war” is Orwellian.  The New York Times has shockingly provided documentation to support Putin’s, or any aggressor’s, future claim that a no-fly zone is a declaration of war, thereby carelessly undermining future world peace.  You may oppose establishing a “no-fly zone” because you feel it increases the risk of a confrontation with Russia, but that does not justify labeling a peace-keeping mission “a declaration of war”.  With the NY Times’ logic, had Russia sent tanks into Ukraine without firing and the Ukraine had defended itself by attacking a tank, the Ukrainians would have been the side that started the war.


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