Monday, May 27, 2024

The Speaker Project (Reforms for management of the U. S. House of Representatives)

“No Labels” has created “The Speaker Project", an important effort to reform management of the U.S. House of Representatives.  Besides the direct link in the previous sentence, you can download it here: No Labels' ideas.

 Below I have charted the ideas and added a few more that I or other people have suggested.  As always, your comments are welcome. 

The Speaker Project

Current Approach

Proposed Change

Motion to Vacate The Chair

A single house member can demand a no-confidence vote

Require a full party caucus majority to vote for it.*

Selection of the Speaker

A majority vote of the House

# of the majority party + 5

Notice for votes on bills

Can be sprung by the majority

Min of 5 days unless top-ranking Dem & Rep agree

“Closed rules” deny minority party to suggest amendments

Often used

Require 3/5 vote

Committee Membership

Controlled by majority party

Require proportionate membership of top 2 parties

Passing the budget

Not done; relying on continuing resolutions

Stop Congressional pay if budget is overdue

Annual fiscal report


Televised update by Comptroller General to joint session of Congress.  Exec & Leg branches must sign.

Earmarks (open allocation of

Allow with:


funds to identified projects)

-Transparency (who requested and who gets the money)



-Identify self/family interests



-Create a max # of earmarks



-Limit types of recipients


“Regular order”





Met for regular appropriation bills

--Drafting legislation

Majority party behind closed doors

In Congressional committees

--Conference committees

Stacked by leadership


--Unauthorized programs


Phase out

Discharge petition forces vote if majority of members agree

Roll call

Make anonymous

Congressional work week


5 days when in session

Monthly meetings of President with Congress

No official meetings

Televised monthly 90-minute Q&A, alternately House & Senate with President





Deferring to Executive Branch to determine details of bills

No one knows what a bill will do when it is voted upon

Bills can ask Exec Branch to define, but then it comes back to Congress to vote on

The President should be able to demand a vote on a bill



If 1 house passes a bill, the other must address it promptly.



Presidential nominees should be voted on in timely fashion



*The ‘No Labels’ proposal says “or when serious ethical allegations have been lodged against the speaker”.  I’m not sure why that is necessary (it should result in a full-party caucus agreeing) or how it is defined.

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